KP9 Interactive Software
Information & Technology

Weather the storm. Create others.

We’re all about supporting creativity. We’re all about driving innovation forward. We believe in placing the power of Augmented Reality and new school digital content creation directly in the hands of the user.

A 'KP9' represents the highest measurable geomagnetic storm, which would cause worldwide disruption, but would also produce the most beautiful auroras of dancing skyward lights. KP9 Interactive aims to do just that - disrupt the content you consume in everyday life and create stunning, impactful content experiences that mean more to the people experiencing them.

The real allure for KP9 Interactive has been accepting and working with the unknowns; weathering the storm, while creating others. Our designers, writers, and technical architects of code work together to create vibrant integrated Augmented Reality software tools for experiences that aim to stand out by being disruptive.

We’re as disruptive as the dancing Northern Lights, all while relentlessly reminding our industry of the beauty that surrounds us through experiences.

901 3rd Ave East
Suite 202