Woodcarving: Celtic Love Spoons with Carl Durance | 3 Days
love spoon. Topics include safety, wood selection, tool selection, sharpening, band sawing and/or scroll sawing the blank, various carving techniques, finishing, and, learn basic Celtic Knot design along the way. This workshop will focus on hand tools, primarily knives, gouges, files, rasps, and rifflers. Power carving tools will be demonstrated. Each participant will have the opportunity to make two unique Celtic Love Spoons, for you or special friends, unique heirloom treasures.
This is a three day workshop. Each day will begin at 9:00 am and end at around 4:00 pm. The workshop will be held at Intersections Wood Collaborative at 299 10th Street E., Owen Sound.
Basic carving skills are required
Materials fee of $25.00 payable to instructor at start of class.